
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gibb River Road (Part 3) - Mornington Wildlife Conservancy

7 June
Sir John Gorge
We packed up this morning and left for Mornington Wildlife Conservancy, a property run by Australian Wildlife Conservancy. This group is buying up cattle stations and trying to conserve the native animals that usually occur naturally on the properties. On arriving at the turnoff to Mornington we had to stop at a radio point to book in and let them know we were coming. This lets them know if you do not arrive then they can search for you somewhere on their driveway that takes 2 hours to travel. After making the journey in we set up camp and drove down to Sir John Gorge Gorge. This pretty little gorge is only a short walk from the carpark and after clambering over rocks for some time we had a swim in one of the rockpools before heading back.
Sunset at Mornington Wildlife Conservancy
After eating dinner we decided to go and listen to a talk one of the rangers was hosting about the conservation work that is going on on the property. He talked about the effect of removing the cattle from the station and the
  After the talk I took my torch with me to go to the toilets when all of a sudden a Brown Snake slithered in front of me. As I was in the middle of a step it reared up at me only about a meter away. Taking exception to the names I was calling it it quickly took off into the long grass. I definitely needed to go to the toilet after that! I went and told Linda and the boys what had happen – Linda spent the next few minutes standing on a chair and the boys were directing their torches into the bushes at any sound that came from them.

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