
Friday, June 17, 2011

Cape Leveque

1 June
This morning we left Broome and headed for Kooljaman at Cape Leveque – a well run aboriginal resort about 200km north of Broome. The road is unsealed, sandy and at times quite bumpy and required plenty of concentration. The trip though was very worthwhile for when we arrived we were faced with beautiful sandy beaches and the now very familiar blue skies. The campsite we were assigned for the night was shaded with flushable toilets and the showers hot. We set up camp and decided to have lunch and go down to the beach for a relaxing afternoon of swimming and exploring the rockpools. Ah yes – the simple things in life!
2 June
Declan's Golden Trevally
Declan and I decided to go down to the beach and fish the next morning. Declan caught a nice 33cm Golden Trevally and then spent the rest of the time running around keep the seagulls away from it with his impersonation of a dog. Upon returning to our campsite and showing off his prize catch, we packed up the camper trailer as we were lucky enough to secure a bush shelter for the next night. The bush shelters are private thatch-covered lean-tos located right next to the beach.
Bush Shelter
We spent the day fishing and playing on the beach before making a campfire and cooking Declan's fish with the rest of our dinner.

3 June
 The next morning we packed up and headed off to spear making course run by a local aboriginal elder (Bundy). We learnt how to straighten a branch in the fire while learning about the local aboriginal way of life. We also gained an understanding of their lack of care for the clock. After arriving for an 8:30am start the 2 hour course finally got underway at 9:00. After making the spears we were taken to a beautiful site where we attempted to use our spears to catch some fish – the local aboriginal boys pulled out some goggles and a spear gun and caught us some fish. By the time we had cooked the fish over a fire and learnt a bit more about the aboriginal way of life it was 1:00pm. It was a very enjoyable morning and the boys were rapt to be able to take their spears with them.

Bundy's spear-making course at Cape Leveque

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