
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gibb River Road (Part 4) - Manning Gorge

8 June
Manning Gorge
Galvans Gorge
After packing up we made tracks for Manning Gorge. Along the way we stopped at Galvans Gorge which required only a short walk before we encountered a beautiful waterhole with a waterfall cascading into it. We all jumped in and had a swim with Declan, Tom and I swimming over to the waterfall and climbing in behind the falling water. After this we climbed onto one of the higher rocks and jumped into the water. Tom decided to climb up a bit higher and, with Linda unable to watch, jumped off. Having done it once he re-climbed the rock and jumped repeatedly.
On arriving at Mount Barnett Roadhouse, which is where you pay for camping at Manning Gorge, we treated the boys to some good old fashioned junk food – some pies and chips. They have been eating sandwiches and wraps for lunch and thought all their Christmases had come at once.
We found a lovely shaded site in the campground and Linda and the boys went for a swim while I tried to work out why the batteries in the camper trailer were not recharging whilst driving. It seems the corrugations on The Gibb had taken their toll. 

Manning Gorge
9 June
The next morning we packed up the camper trailer and started hiking out to Manning Gorge. The first part of the journey requires you to swim across a deep river. There are foam boxes and tyre tubes provided in which we put all our backpacks, sunglasses, hats, etc. and floated them across as we swam. The next part of the 2km walk required climbing up and down some rocky areas and by the time we got there we were very happy to find a very large waterfall supplying plenty of water to a big waterhole.  Once again Tom, Declan and I jumped off the rocks the water was cascading from but this time the current from the waterfall was too strong for Declan to swim behind it. He decided that he and Linda should go back to the intial river crossing so he could play on one of the tyre tubes. Tom and I stayed a bit longer and explored around the waterfall before joining them.

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