
Monday, June 20, 2011

Gibb River Road (Part 5) - Ellen Brae Station & Home Valley Station

9 June
Ellen Brae Station was our next destination and we arrived at about 4:00pm and quickly set up camp. We were warmly welcomed upon arrival and ushered to a very nice campsite. After eating dinner we all went down to the shower (with an old wood fired hot water system) and played cards. The whole campsite had a really nice feel to it and we enjoyed our stay.

10 June
We were going to have the very much talked about scones, jam and cream the next morning before exploring a gorge but the batteries in the trailer, although now charging whilst driving, had discharged to such a level that the fridge had turned off. This meant that we had to leave find somewhere to charge the batteries before all our food went off.
We left quickly this morning and headed for Kununurra to where we thought was the next place we would be able to get power. Fortunately we called in to Home Valley Station to check to see it would be worth coming back this far after charging our batteries. To our surprise Home Valley Station had powered sites and we quickly booked one for the night.
We decided that we would have a relaxing afternoon as the boys needed to recharge their batteries as much as the trailer so they spent the afternoon playing on the playground and swimming while Linda and I mapped out our travel plans and I made some more repairs to the electrics on the trailer. The Gibb has been very harsh on both car and trailer.
Dinner at the Home Valley Station restaurant looked really good so tonight we ate a lovely meal and listened to a local musician. After camping for this long you really appreciate someone else to preparing your meals and bringing them to you while you relax.

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