
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trip from Atherton to Mission Beach

Friday 12 July

As we woke we noticed the sky was clear for almost the first time since we had been here so we decided to quickly pack up before the rain came again and made our camper trailer and tent wetter than it already was. With great work all round we managed to get the last things packed away just before the rain started again.
Leaving Atherton, hopefully for better weather, we decided to do part of the Waterfall Circuit. The 3 waterfalls that we looked at are on a road of about 15km that was only a slight detour from our drive to Mission Beach.
Millaa Millaa Falls
Zillie Falls

Ellinjaa Falls
 All 3 waterfalls were very nice but the rain was pounding down when we got out of the car at each of them. It takes away from the spectacle, especially as if the weather was warm we would have been swimming at these waterholes. It did, however, mean there was plenty of water cascading over the falls.
While on the same road we came across Mungalli Creek Organic Dairy and, being morning tea time, went in for refreshments. The food was delicious. We had milkshakes, devonshire tea and blueberry cheesecake between us and everyone enjoyed it.
Back into the car and the next stop along the way was Murdering Point Winery which makes very unusual wines, ports and liqueurs. After tasting  quite a few of their range we decided on Black Devil Port (a port made from the Black Sapote fruit which tastes like chocolate), Supherb wine (made from the Brazilian japoticaba fruit), and the Choc Mint Cream Liqueur (made from chocolate and mint). They had quite a lot of other unusual wines and we might have to get some more from their online store when we get back as well.
I just liked the sign
From here we were getting hungry so decided to go straight to Mission Beach and have lunch there. We ended up at the Fish Cafe and after a lazy lunch with a glass of white wine we had a quick look around Mission Beach. Our residence for the next few nights was at South Mission Beach at Beachcomber Coconut Caravan Park so we took off and set up camp. The campsite is very nice and has a great camp kitchen which we will utilise often and the kids are happy with the games and TV room, tennis court and pool.
While eating dinner in the camp kitchen it bucketed down rain and our campsite was flooded. It did however drain very quickly and we have decided not to move sites as the rain did not enter our tent. Although inconvenient it is more trouble to move the camper trailer than to put up with a temporarily flooded site. The boys tent is on higher ground so the rain did not affect them.

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