
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mission Beach to Townsville

Monday 15 July

Clouds rolling in with Tom and Declan in the Golden Gumboot
We left Mission Beach for Townsville on our continued search to find fine weather. We travelled through Tully mid morning and stopped to have a coffee and take a look at the Golden Gumboot, built to commemorate the rains of 1950. In this year they had 7.6m of rain which is why the Golden Gumboot is 7.6m high. Tully is regarded as the wettest town in Australia which is why we didn't stay for too long and, true to form, it was raining while we were there.

Lucinda jetty
As we approached Townsville we turned off to go into Lucinda to see the longest sugar loading jetty in the world and the longest jetty of any kind in the southern hemisphere. At 6km in length it looks as though it touches the horizon.

After stopping briefly at Ingham for lunch we continued on to Townsville, found our campsite and set up camp for a few days.

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