
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Townsville (cont.)

Thursday 18 July

Overlooking Magnetic Island From Castle Hill
This morning we drove into Townsville and up to Castle Hill to get a bigger picture of the layout of Townsville. I hadn't realised how sprawled Townsville is and from this height you can really get a great view of the large scale and compact nature of the industrial area as well as how far the housing extends. You can drive almost to the summit of Castle Hill and then there are a few short walks to view Townsville from all sides of the hill.
We have been able to persuade both boys they are in need of a haircut, so this morning we found a hairdresser and had their hair cut. This has been the best hair cuts we have had for both boys. They told us they need to come back here for their next cuts - I think they may have quite a few before we get back here.  
Following lunch we decided to go back to the Water Park on The Strand. When we were here yesterday we found the water park not running. Thankfully today it was operating so we put Declan's hand in a plastic bag with some tape holding it together so his dressings would not get wet. Even with our best efforts a little bit of water did get in so we had to abandon the water park and lie in the sun. It has finally arrived again!

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