
Friday, May 27, 2011

Kakadu National Park (cont.)

19 May
Ubirr Rock Art
We made our way out to Ubirr today to look at an impressive collection of Aboriginal rock art some of which is 5000 years old - it makes the collection of European art seem only very recent. This paint, using ochre rock that is ground into a powder and mixed with a tree resin, has proved to withstand the test of time -  although the aborigines did not paint all their pictures to last such a long time. Some of the pictures were painted to pass down advice to the other aboriginals about local places to find food. At most of the sites paintings have been painted over several times so there is quite a few layers of paintings. Also at this site there is a fantastic lookout along the circular route so as you inspect the art you gradually climb up a very large rock to see a magnificent view of the flood plains below.
The view at Ubirr

That afternoon we had booked an evening cruise on the Yellow Water wetlands which the East Alligator River feeds before it heads out to sea. The wildlife and scenery on show on the evening cruise that we were on was quite spectacular and our cruise guide was extremely knowledgeable. Among many other animals we got to see Saltwater crocodiles; birds such as the Jabiru, Egrets, Eagles, Kites, and Jesus Birds (so named because with their long toes they seem to walk on water). The sunset was amazing as you can see by the picture below. That night the resort was showing a movie and it happened to be Crocodile Dundee - a movie which neither Thomas or Declan had seen before. Both boys really enjoyed the movie and spotted the point in the movie which was filmed at Ubirr.
Sunset on the Yellow Water Cruise

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