
Friday, May 20, 2011

Jumping Crocodiles and Kakadu National Park

18 May
Declan and I (Tim) got up early today and, with a few tips from one of our neighbours in the caravan park, embarked on another fishing expedition to one of the boat ramps near the East Wharf. Unfortunately once again, as with most of our fishing exploits, we returned empty handed but enjoyed the relaxing morning. 
Jumping Crocodiles
We returned to find Linda and Thomas well underway with the pack up and we were quickly on our way to Kakadu National Park. We decided to stop on the way to watch the Jumping Crocodiles where the Arnhem Highway crosses the Adelaide River. We boarded the two-storey boat (Adelaide River Queen) and were pretty soon watching saltwater crocodiles launching themselves out of the water to grab a pork chop off a lure. The crocodile in the picture is one they affectionately refer to as Agro, the biggest crocodile in this part of the river, who is about 6m long and about 40 years old. This picture was taken from the lower deck behind glass but you can also view them from the upper deck out in the open as well. While up there they also through off small pieces of pork where the whistling kites skillfully plucked them out of mid air with their feet, passed them to their mouths while still flying and returned to grab another piece. They are extremely acrobatic and manoeuvre very quickly in the air.
With the cruise finished and both Thomas and Declan complaining about being hungry, we decided to retrace our steps for about 3km to stop and have lunch at Windows on the Wetlands - a very informative and interactive display giving information about the flora and fauna living in the local wetlands.
From there we made the final stretch of the journey in to Kakadu National Park and called into the Bowali Information Centre to buy the obligatory 2 week pass and find out information on which of the sights were open. It seems as though delaying our trip here has worked as more of the sights are now open and the ranger talks have started as well.


  1. fantastic all looks great we are sooo jealous , my boys love the photo of the croc!
    all my love kylie wick x

  2. Hey hope your having a great time. I'm finally on my holiday right now its beautiful weather. Also your croc picture is great

  3. Hi guys you seem to be doing so much. We love the photos. The scenery is amazing. Too cold down here.
