
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kakadu National Park (cont.) and Edith Falls

22 May
Today we left Kakadu National Park but decided after hearing that Gunlom had just been opened we should visit. It is toward the south end of the park and the direction in which we were leaving the park.
Turning off the road we encountered quite a rough unsealed road and with the camper trailer in tow it took us quite a while to travel the 39km. Upon reaching our destination we found a beautiful waterfall cascading into quite a large billabong. We had already decided not to swim due to crocodile danger but found someone already in the water. Still, we all decided he must be crazy!
The Rockhole

Speaking to another camper in recent days he suggested we go to The Rockhole, only about 5km south of the Gunlom turnoff (although not signposted). The unsealed road was quite bumpy and the first time we have needed to engage 4WD in low gear.  The Rockhole is stunning, and because it is not signposted, we were the only ones there.  This made us very nervous about swimming and tempting as it was we chose to continue our journey to Edith Falls. This rockhole was probably my favourite spot in Kakadu. 
Edith Falls
Edith Falls is located in the northern end of Nitmiluk National Park and has a small campground with good facilities including hot showers and a small kiosk. We set up  camp and decided to walk out to the falls (1.2km) the next morning. We filled time playing bocce and cards as the sunset. It has been so warm at night the kids have packed their sleeping bags away and are just using their light rugs.

23 May
When we arrived we found a beautiful swimming hole that was very popular. We spent a couple of hours swimming in the currents, climbing over rocks and exploring the waterfalls. It was a very relaxing morning and very enjoyable. While the boys climbed waterfalls I relaxed with a book which ended up in the water and has now spent the week drying on the dashboard! The lower swimming hole which is next to the camp site was closed until they were sure there were no crocodiles. This is quite a large billabong which would make a beautiful spot to swim but better safe than sorry.
Edith Falls - Lower Pool

On returning to our campsite we played bocce and threw the frisbee. The rangers came by and told Thomas and Declan they could run under a sprinkler for as long as they like. No water restrictions up here! .

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