
Friday, April 29, 2011

Mildura to Peterborough

Leaving Yarrawonga
We travelled most of the Monday and Tuesday, staying in Mildura on Monday night in a caravan park and Peterborough on Tuesday at a rest stop. This was the first time we had tried staying at a rest stop with great success. There were many (6 to 8) Grey Nomads already set up and several were full of advice as to where to travel what roads were open etc.
Traveling train dog
We continue to play car games whilst driving, the most popular being the windmill game. We all have an animal name that we have to be the first to call out when we see a windmill. (please note a broken windmill is only worth half a point). Declan earned the nick name 'Echo Decko' from this game as he always chimes in 5 seconds after someone else has spotted the windmill. Thomas has earn the nickname 'Hungry Hippo' as he is always staving and asking what there is to eat.

We are starting to fall into a camping routine. The kids are great. They know what to do when setting up and packing up and always pitch in, although they have yet to wash the dishes! We have taken the Hogdson advice and have lunch at skateparks if we can find them. This gives the kids time to burn off some energy and a little peace and quiet for Tim and I.

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