
Friday, April 29, 2011

Mildura to Peterborough

Leaving Yarrawonga
We travelled most of the Monday and Tuesday, staying in Mildura on Monday night in a caravan park and Peterborough on Tuesday at a rest stop. This was the first time we had tried staying at a rest stop with great success. There were many (6 to 8) Grey Nomads already set up and several were full of advice as to where to travel what roads were open etc.
Traveling train dog
We continue to play car games whilst driving, the most popular being the windmill game. We all have an animal name that we have to be the first to call out when we see a windmill. (please note a broken windmill is only worth half a point). Declan earned the nick name 'Echo Decko' from this game as he always chimes in 5 seconds after someone else has spotted the windmill. Thomas has earn the nickname 'Hungry Hippo' as he is always staving and asking what there is to eat.

We are starting to fall into a camping routine. The kids are great. They know what to do when setting up and packing up and always pitch in, although they have yet to wash the dishes! We have taken the Hogdson advice and have lunch at skateparks if we can find them. This gives the kids time to burn off some energy and a little peace and quiet for Tim and I.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We left for Yarrawonga on Thursday afternoon not without mishap. The water tank has a leak and we only discovered it as we were about to leave. This meant over an hour in the driveway with no success. So we decided to leave anyway and try to repair it in Yarrawonga. Unfortunately Tim is still trying to fix it as I write this.
Thomas and Linda ready to play

Tennis courts on footy oval
Declan playing doubles
We arrived in Yarrawonga and set up in the dark. The boys are a great help putting up the tent. We camp here every Easter with a big group of friends about 30 adults and another 30 kids. The Yarrawonga tennis club hosts a tennis tournament and turns the footy oval into about 25 tennis courts. (The best use of a footy oval I have ever seen!). Thomas played very well in the singles tennis, getting into the 3rd round. Declan had a good hit with his friend too. Unfortunately Tom's doubles partner took a spill on his bike and couldn't play so we matched Tom up with another friend, but the competition was too good and beat the boys.  Liz and I were beaten in our first match. Although Sonia and I made it through to the semi finals. Thomas and I played in the mixed this morning with no luck. All in all we have enjoyed the hit and are now very tired and sore.

We're looking forward to spit roast Sunday round the camp fire tonight.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 More Sleep

So we are all packed ready to go and there is still lots of room for stuff (no not the hair dryer). BBQ, beer, wine - check, check, check. 
We are doing the last minute checks and making sure we are prepared for the worst. Lots of water and food plus good seats and bedding is essential. Tom  tells me I'm not allowed to take anything that resembles moccasins. The car is loaded up and looks quite the beast with Stephen's roof racks added. We have plenty of spares and I think we have prepared fairly well. Now we can just enjoy the break.
At this stage most of the tracks are still closed due to a very wet wet season. So here's hoping we'll be able to get to places we want to go.
Looking forward to tennis at Yarrawonga, Tom and I will make  our make in the mixed doubles. What a shame that we'll miss the royal wedding. Tim so disappointed.
Have a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1 Week to Go!

It's great to finally be on holidays! Tim and I have been busily organising and packing.
Steve and Tim have the battery system up and running, Yay! We have a fridge! We have spent the last few days finalising details such as getting a 2nd spare wheel, going to the doctors for lots of medication just in case, buying Declan a new sleeping bag. (We were lucky to discover he had grown out of his junior one thanks to his cousin Tahlia)
We have been playing with some different types of GPS units. Tim is keen to buy a new one before we leave. Does anyone have suggestions for a good unit?  I just want to use my trusty iPhone with a mapping program such as Tom Tom or Metroview. Once again there seems to be no right answer and we'll have to see what happens.
It's raining and cold in Melbourne so can't wait to go north for warm weather!